
Variety Hour is a Melbourne based design studio started by textile designer Cassie Byrnes in 2016 as a way to explore her curiosities in fashion print.

Years later at its core we remain a textile focused studio, exploring the technicalities and craft of print design and using our products as the canvas.

We're a small team of eight, based in our studio on Gertrude Street, Fitzroy.

Why shop with us?

Made locally

We’re passionate about local manufacturing, the people behind it and our role in it. We have an ongoing commitment to support the Australian manufacturing industry in the best way we can.

Made consciously

At Variety Hour, we value sustainability and quality. Each of our prints have a story and we want each garment to live the longest life possible.

Made thoughtfully

As our small business grows to a team we are committed to do better year on year. We are committed to working towards being more size inclusive so we can make something for as many people to enjoy.

About the artwork

All Variety Hour prints are hand painted by Cassie using gouache, inks and markers before being digitised and adapted into artworks, homewares and women's clothing. 
