
VH World: Rashmi Patil

On a windy day in Melbourne last week, we met up with Rashmi to walk the paths of Carlton Gardens and ask her a few questions about her work as a software engineer and her inspiring wardrobe. 



Have you always been inspired by colour in your outfit choices?

Coming from a land of rich heritage, colours and patterns that is India, I wasn’t actually into much colour & didn’t pay much attention. Things have changed in the last few years and I now wear colours that are uplifting and joyous to me. Colour definitely inspires me to be cool, quirky and fun.



With such an amazing wardrobe, how do you decide what to wear each day?

Sounds cliche, but whatever rocks my mood I’d say, ha ha. I try and avoid pattern clashing in clothing. For me, what I wear everyday should be aesthetically pleasing. For example, a colourful patterned dress or a patterned pant with a block or white/black tee would be my go-to.

I also like to keep it different everyday with the styles so rotate between smocks, shifts, tee dresses, jumpsuits, shorts, patterned pants/jeans. And sometimes my shoes or earrings dictate what I wear. Weather, too, plays its part in my choices.



You're a software engineer, what kind of software do you work on?

As a software engineer, my experience has been in mobile software. Back in the days of Nokia, I worked on their browser platform which was at a device level. Since coming to Australia, I’ve moved onto writing mobile apps. My past contributions have been to a banking app, an influencer marketplace app, document review app for an e-discovery software in the legal space. Most recently, have worked on software frameworks that make use of location technology on the phone to ease pain points for use cases like click & collect customers with their pick-up orders, for utility customers to accurately track their servicing drivers live.

Your favourite project so far?

I think my favourite project is on the horizon. But, in my past experience, working on accessibility features for one of the big 4 banking apps, a few years ago, wherein you know that your work would would help someone with disability, is something I’m proud of.



What do you find the most challenging part of your work?

Hmm, there are a few. I’d say keeping up with the frequent technical advancements to maintain the software product is one of them.

Personally, finding that intersection of social purpose, your core values and the tech is a frequent rumination.

Book recommendation?

Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty - a spiritual, practical & mindful take on leading our lives.

TV Show?

I really liked The Queen’s Gambit and Schitt’s creek on Netflix.

My friend recently introduced me to Korean drama and I have been crushing hard on So Ji-sub. Have been binge watching his TV shows on Netflix lately!

Also, would recommend The Social Dilemma, not a TV show but a documentary.


I listen to a lot of them. A couple of faves would be On Purpose with Jay Shetty, Exponential View with Azeem Azhar.



Define your style in 3 words.

Vibrant, Sassy & Comfortable

If a friend asked you to describe Variety Hour, what would you say?

I’d say Variety Hour is story telling in clothing. The brush strokes, the colour mix, quality, the narrative behind the collections makes it a stand-out brand.

Thank you so much Rashmi! 
